Source code for pyrism.models.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division

import sys
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import (quad, dblquad)
from scipy.misc import factorial
from scipy.special import expi

from .library import get_data_one, get_data_two
from ..core import (Kernel, Scattering, ReflectanceResult, EmissivityResult, SailResult, cot, rad, dB, BRDF, BRF)

    lib = get_data_two()
except IOError:
    lib = get_data_one()

# python 3.6 comparability
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    srange = xrange
    srange = range

# ---- Scattering Coefficients ----
[docs]class VolScatt(Kernel): """ Compute volume scattering functions and interception coefficients for given solar zenith, viewing zenith, azimuth and leaf inclination angle (:cite:`Campbell.1986`, :cite:`Campbell.1990`, :cite:`Verhoef.1998`). Parameters ---------- iza, vza, raa : int, float or ndarray Incidence (iza) and scattering (vza) zenith angle, as well as relative azimuth (raa) angle. angle_unit : {'DEG', 'RAD'}, optional * 'DEG': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [DEG] (default). * 'RAD': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [RAD]. Returns ------- All returns are attributes! iza: ndarray Sun or incidence zenith angle in [RAD]. vza : ndarray View or scattering zenith angle in [RAD]. raa : ndarray Relative azimuth angle in [RAD]. izaDeg : ndarray Sun or incidence zenith angle in [DEG]. vzaDeg : ndarray View or scattering zenith angle in [DEG]. raaDeg : ndarray Relative azimuth angle in [DEG]. phi : ndarray Relative azimuth angle in a range between 0 and 2pi. chi_s : int, float or array_like Interception function in the solar path. chi_o : int, float or array_like Interception function in the view path. Note ---- Hot spot direction is vza == iza and raa = 0.0 See Also -------- VolScatt.coef LIDF.campbell LIDF.verhoef LIDF.nilson """ def __init__(self, iza, vza, raa, angle_unit='DEG'): super(VolScatt, self).__init__(iza, vza, raa, normalize=False, nbar=0.0, angle_unit=angle_unit, align=True)
[docs] def coef(self, lidf_type='verhoef', n_elements=18, **kwargs): """ Calculate the extinction and volume scattering coefficients (:cite:`Campbell.1986`, :cite:`Campbell.1990`, :cite:`Verhoef.1998`). Parameters ---------- lidf_type : {'verhoef', 'campbell'} Define with which method the LIDF is calculated n_elements : int, optional Total number of equally spaced inclination angles. Default is 18. kwargs : dict Possible **kwargs from campbell method: * a : Mean leaf angle (degrees) use 57 for a spherical LIDF. Possible **kwargs from verhoef method: * a : Parameter a controls the average leaf inclination. * b : Parameter b influences the shape of the distribution (bimodality), but has no effect on the average leaf inclination. Returns ------- All returns are attributes! self.ks : int, float or array_like Volume scattering coeffient in incidence path. self.ko : int, float or array_like Volume scattering coeffient in scattering path. self.Fs : int, float or array_like Function to be multiplied by leaf reflectance to obtain the volume scattering. self.Ft : int, float or array_like Function to be multiplied by leaf transmittance to obtain the volume scattering. self.Fst : int, float or array_like Sum of Fs and Ft. See Also -------- LIDF.campbell LIDF.verhoef LIDF.nilson """ a = kwargs.pop('a', None) b = kwargs.pop('b', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs) if lidf_type == 'verhoef': if a is None or b is None: raise ValueError("for the verhoef function the parameter a and b must defined.") else: lidf = LIDF.verhoef(a, b, n_elements) elif lidf_type == 'campbell': if a is None: raise ValueError("for the campbell function the parameter alpha must defined.") else: lidf = LIDF.campbell(a, n_elements) else: raise AttributeError("lad_method must be verhoef, nilson or campbell") self.ks = 0. self.ko = 0. = 0. self.Fs = 0. self.Ft = 0. n_angles = len(lidf) angle_step = float(90.0 / n_angles) litab = np.arange(n_angles) * angle_step + (angle_step * 0.5) for i, ili in enumerate(litab): ttl = 1. * ili cttl = np.cos(np.radians(ttl)) # SAIL volume scattering phase function gives interception and portions to be multiplied by rho # and tau self.chi_s, self.chi_o, self.frho, self.ftau = self.volume(ttl) # Extinction coefficients ksli = self.chi_s / np.cos(self.iza) koli = self.chi_o / np.cos(self.vza) # Area scattering coefficient fractions sobli = self.frho * np.pi / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza)) sofli = self.ftau * np.pi / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza)) bfli = cttl ** 2. self.ks += ksli * float(lidf[i]) self.ko += koli * float(lidf[i]) += bfli * float(lidf[i]) self.Fs += sobli * float(lidf[i]) self.Ft += sofli * float(lidf[i]) self.Fst = self.Fs + self.Ft
[docs] def volume(self, lza): """ Compute volume scattering functions and interception coefficients for given solar zenith, viewing zenith, azimuth and leaf inclination angle (:cite:`Verhoef.1998`, :cite:`Campbell.1990`). Returns ------- All returns are attributes! chi_s : float Interception function in the solar path. chi_o : float Interception function in the view path. frho : float Function to be multiplied by leaf reflectance to obtain the volume scattering. ftau : float Function to be multiplied by leaf transmittance to obtain the volume scattering. """ cts = np.cos(self.iza) cto = np.cos(self.vza) sts = np.sin(self.iza) sto = np.sin(self.vza) cospsi = np.cos(self.raa) psir = self.raa clza = np.cos(np.radians(lza)) slza = np.sin(np.radians(lza)) cs = clza * cts co = clza * cto ss = slza * sts so = slza * sto cosbts = 5. if np.abs(ss) > 1e-6: cosbts = -cs / ss cosbto = 5. if np.abs(so) > 1e-6: cosbto = -co / so if np.abs(cosbts) < 1.0: bts = np.arccos(cosbts) ds = ss else: bts = np.pi ds = cs chi_s = 2. / np.pi * ((bts - np.pi * 0.5) * cs + np.sin(bts) * ss) if abs(cosbto) < 1.0: bto = np.arccos(cosbto) do_ = so else: if self.vza < rad(90.): bto = np.pi do_ = co else: bto = 0.0 do_ = -co chi_o = 2.0 / np.pi * ((bto - np.pi * 0.5) * co + np.sin(bto) * so) btran1 = np.abs(bts - bto) btran2 = np.pi - np.abs(bts + bto - np.pi) if psir <= btran1: bt1 = psir bt2 = btran1 bt3 = btran2 else: bt1 = btran1 if psir <= btran2: bt2 = psir bt3 = btran2 else: bt2 = btran2 bt3 = psir t1 = 2. * cs * co + ss * so * cospsi t2 = 0. if bt2 > 0.: t2 = np.sin(bt2) * (2. * ds * do_ + ss * so * np.cos(bt1) * np.cos(bt3)) denom = 2. * np.pi ** 2 frho = ((np.pi - bt2) * t1 + t2) / denom ftau = (-bt2 * t1 + t2) / denom if frho < 0.: frho = 0. if ftau < 0.: ftau = 0. return chi_s, chi_o, frho, ftau
# ---- LAD and LIDF Models ----
[docs]class LIDF: """ Calculate several leaf area inclination density function based on :cite:`Campbell.1990`, :cite:`Verhoef.1998` or :cite:`Nilson.1989`. See Also ------- LIDF.campell LIDF.verhoef LIDF.nilson Note ---- This class contains only static methods. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def campbell(a, n_elements=18): """ Calculate the Leaf Inclination Distribution Function based on the mean angle of ellipsoidal LIDF distribution. Parameters ---------- a : float Mean leaf angle (degrees) use 57 for a spherical LIDF. n_elements : int Total number of equally spaced inclination angles . Returns ------- lidf : list Leaf Inclination Distribution Function for 18 equally spaced angles. """ alpha = float(a) excent = np.exp(-1.6184e-5 * alpha ** 3. + 2.1145e-3 * alpha ** 2. - 1.2390e-1 * alpha + 3.2491) sum0 = 0. freq = np.zeros(n_elements) step = 90.0 / n_elements for i in srange(n_elements): tl1 = rad(i * step) tl2 = rad((i + 1.) * step) x1 = excent / (np.sqrt(1. + excent ** 2. * np.tan(tl1) ** 2.)) x2 = excent / (np.sqrt(1. + excent ** 2. * np.tan(tl2) ** 2.)) if excent == 1.: freq[i] = abs(np.cos(tl1) - np.cos(tl2)) else: alph = excent / np.sqrt(abs(1. - excent ** 2.)) alph2 = alph ** 2. x12 = x1 ** 2. x22 = x2 ** 2. if excent > 1.: alpx1 = np.sqrt(alph2 + x12) alpx2 = np.sqrt(alph2 + x22) dum = x1 * alpx1 + alph2 * np.log(x1 + alpx1) freq[i] = abs(dum - (x2 * alpx2 + alph2 * np.log(x2 + alpx2))) else: almx1 = np.sqrt(alph2 - x12) almx2 = np.sqrt(alph2 - x22) dum = x1 * almx1 + alph2 * np.arcsin(x1 / alph) freq[i] = abs(dum - (x2 * almx2 + alph2 * np.arcsin(x2 / alph))) sum0 = np.sum(freq) lidf = np.zeros(n_elements) for i in srange(n_elements): lidf[i] = freq[i] / sum0 return lidf
[docs] @staticmethod def verhoef(a, b, n_elements=18): """ Calculate the Leaf Inclination Distribution Function based on the Verhoef's bimodal LIDF distribution. Parameters ---------- a, b : float Parameter a controls the average leaf inclination. Parameter b influences the shape of the distribution (bimodality), but has no effect on the average leaf inclination. n_elements : int Total number of equally spaced inclination angles. Returns ------- LAD : list Leaf Inclination Distribution Function at equally spaced angles. Note ---- The parameters must be chosen such that |a| + |b| < 1. Some possible distributions are [a, b]: * Planophile: [1, 0]. * Erectophile: [-1, 0]. * Plagiophile: [0,-1]. * Extremophile: [0,1]. * Spherical: [-0.35,-0.15]. * Uniform: [0,0]. """ freq = 1.0 step = 90.0 / n_elements lidf = np.zeros(n_elements) * 1. angles = (np.arange(n_elements) * step)[::-1] i = 0 for angle in angles: tl1 = np.radians(angle) if a > 1.0: f = 1.0 - np.cos(tl1) else: eps = 1e-8 delx = 1.0 x = 2.0 * tl1 p = float(x) while delx >= eps: y = a * np.sin(x) + .5 * b * np.sin(2. * x) dx = .5 * (y - x + p) x = x + dx delx = abs(dx) f = (2. * y + p) / np.pi freq = freq - f lidf[i] = freq freq = float(f) i += 1 lidf = lidf[::-1] return lidf
[docs] @staticmethod def nilson(self, lza, mla=None, eccentricity=0.5, scaling_factor=0.5, distribution='random'): """ Leaf Angle Distributions (LAD) from Nilson and Kuusk. Note ---- If mla is None, the default values are alculated by following distributions: * 'erectophile': 0 * 'planophile': pi/2 * 'plagiophile': pi/4 * 'erectophile': 0 * 'random' : This determines the output to 1 * 'uniform' : This determines the output to 0.5 Parameters ---------- lza : int, float or ndarray Leaf zenith angle (lza). mla : int or float, optional Modal leaf angle in [Deg], Default is None (See Note). eccentricity : int or float (default = 0.5), optional Zero eccentricity is a spherical leaf angle distribution. An eccentricity of 1 is a 'needle'. scaling_factor : int or float (default = 0.5), optional Scaling factor (reflectance if lza = 0) distribution : {'erectophile', 'planophile', 'plagiophile', 'random', 'uniform'}, optional Default distribution which set the mla. Default is 'random' Returns ------- LAD : int, float or array_like LAD integrated over a sphere (0 - pi/2) """ if eccentricity > 1 or eccentricity < 0: raise AssertionError("eccentricity must between 0 and 1") if mla is None: if distribution == 'erectophile': if np.any(lza != np.pi / 2): warnings.warn("Leaf normals should be mainly horizontal = 90°") mla = 0 elif distribution == 'planophile': if lza != 0: warnings.warn("Leaf normals should be mainly vertical = 0°") mla = np.pi / 2 elif distribution == 'plagiophile': if lza != np.pi / 4: warnings.warn("Leaf normals should be mainly at = 45°") mla = np.pi / 4 else: raise ValueError("distribution must be erectophile, planophile, plagiophile, random or uniform") def __gfunc(lza, mla, e, b): return b / (1 - e ** 2 * np.sin((lza + mla) * np.pi / 180.0)) ** (1 / 2) def __integrant(x, lza, mla, e, b): return __gfunc(lza, mla, e, b) * np.cos(x) * np.sin(x) if distribution == 'random': return 1 elif distribution == 'uniform': return 0.5 else: if not isinstance(lza, np.ndarray): return quad(__integrant, 0, np.pi / 2, args=(lza, mla, eccentricity, scaling_factor))[0] else: lad_list = [] for item in lza: lad_list.append(quad(__integrant, 0, np.pi / 2, args=(item, mla, eccentricity, scaling_factor))[0]) return np.asarray(lad_list)
[docs]class SAIL(Kernel): """ Run the SAIL radiative transfer model (See Note) (:cite:`GomezDans.2018`). Parameters ---------- iza, vza, raa : int, float or ndarray Incidence (iza) and scattering (vza) zenith angle, as well as relative azimuth (raa) angle. ks, kt : array_like Continuous leaf reflection (ks) and leaf transmission (kt) values from from 400 until 2500 nm. One can use the output from PROSPECT class instance. lai : float Leaf area index. hotspot : float The hotspot parameter. rho_surface : array_like Continuous surface reflectance values from from 400 until 2500 nm. One can use the output from LSM class instance. lidf_type : {'verhoef', 'campbell'}, optional Define with which method the LIDF is calculated. Default is 'campbell' a, b : float, optional Parameter a and b depends on which lidf_type is applied: * If lidf_type is 'verhoef': Parameter a controls the average leaf inclination. Parameter b influences the shape of the distribution (bimodality), but has no effect on the average leaf inclination. The default values are for a uniform leaf distribution a = 0, b = 0. * If lidf_type is 'campbell': Parameter a is the mean leaf angle (degrees) use 57 for a spherical LIDF. The default value represents a spherical leaf distribution a = 57. normalize : boolean, optional Set to 'True' to make kernels 0 at nadir view illumination. Since all implemented kernels are normalized the default value is False. nbar : float, optional The sun or incidence zenith angle at which the isotropic term is set to if normalize is True. The default value is 0.0. angle_unit : {'DEG', 'RAD'}, optional * 'DEG': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [DEG] (default). * 'RAD': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [RAD]. Returns ------- For more attributes see also pyrism.core.Kernel and pyrism.core.SailResult. See Also -------- pyrism.core.Kernel pyrism.core.SailResult Note ---- If the input parameter for ks and kt are the output from the class PROSPECT, SAIL will calculate the PROSAIL model. """ def __init__(self, iza, vza, raa, ks, kt, lai, hotspot, rho_surface, lidf_type='campbell', a=57, b=0, normalize=False, nbar=0.0, angle_unit='DEG'): super(SAIL, self).__init__(iza=iza, vza=vza, raa=raa, normalize=normalize, nbar=nbar, angle_unit=angle_unit, align=True) if len(ks) != 2101: raise AssertionError( "ks must contain continuous leaf reflectance values from from 400 until 2500 nm with a length of 2101. The actual length of ks is {0}".format( str(len(ks)))) elif len(kt) != 2101: raise AssertionError( "kt must contain continuous leaf transmitance values from from 400 until 2500 nm with a length of 2101. The actual length of kt is {0}".format( str(len(kt)))) elif len(rho_surface) != 2101: raise AssertionError( "rho_surface must contain continuous surface reflectance values from from 400 until 2500 nm with a length of 2101. The actual length of rho_surface is {0}".format( str(len(rho_surface)))) else: pass self.ks = ks self.kt = kt self.lai = lai self.hotspot = hotspot self.rho_surface = rho_surface self.VollScat = VolScatt(iza, vza, raa, angle_unit) if lidf_type is 'verhoef': self.VollScat.coef(a=a, b=b, lidf_type='verhoef') elif lidf_type is 'campbell': self.VollScat.coef(a=a, lidf_type='campbell') else: raise AssertionError("The lidf_type must be 'verhoef' or 'campbell'") tss, too, tsstoo, rdd, tdd, rsd, tsd, rdo, tdo, rso, rsos, rsod, rddt, rsdt, rdot, rsodt, rsost, rsot, gammasdf, gammasdb, gammaso = self.__calc() self.kt = tsstoo self.kt_iza = tss self.kt_vza = too self.canopy = SailResult(BHR=rdd, BHT=tdd, DHR=rsd, DHT=tsd, HDR=rdo, HDT=tdo, BRF=rso) self.l = np.arange(400, 2501) self.BRF = SailResult(ref=rsot, refdB=dB(rsot), L8=self.__store_L8(rsot), ASTER=self.__store_aster(rsot)) self.BRDF = SailResult(ref=rsot / np.pi, refdB=dB(rsot / np.pi), L8=self.__store_L8(rsot / np.pi), ASTER=self.__store_aster(rsot / np.pi)) self.BHR = SailResult(ref=rddt, refdB=dB(rddt), L8=self.__store_L8(rddt), ASTER=self.__store_aster(rddt)) self.DHR = SailResult(ref=rsdt, refdB=dB(rsdt), L8=self.__store_L8(rsdt), ASTER=self.__store_aster(rsdt)) self.HDR = SailResult(ref=rdot, refdB=dB(rdot), L8=self.__store_L8(rdot), ASTER=self.__store_aster(rdot)) def __calc(self): sdb = 0.5 * (self.VollScat.ks + sdf = 0.5 * (self.VollScat.ks - dob = 0.5 * (self.VollScat.ko + dof = 0.5 * (self.VollScat.ko - ddb = 0.5 * (1.0 + ddf = 0.5 * (1.0 - sigb = ddb * self.ks + ddf * self.kt sigf = ddf * self.ks + ddb * self.kt try: sigf[sigf == 0.0] = 1.e-36 sigb[sigb == 0.0] = 1.0e-36 except TypeError: sigf = max(1e-36, sigf) sigb = max(1e-36, sigb) att = 1. - sigf m = np.sqrt(att ** 2. - sigb ** 2.) = m sb = sdb * self.ks + sdf * self.kt sf = sdf * self.ks + sdb * self.kt vb = dob * self.ks + dof * self.kt vf = dof * self.ks + dob * self.kt w = self.VollScat.Fs * self.ks + self.VollScat.Ft * self.kt if np.all(self.lai <= 0): # No canopy... tss = 1 too = 1 tsstoo = 1 rdd = 0 tdd = 1 rsd = 0 tsd = 0 rdo = 0 tdo = 0 rso = 0 rsos = 0 rsod = 0 rddt = self.rho_surface rsdt = self.rho_surface rdot = self.rho_surface rsodt = 0 rsost = self.rho_surface rsot = self.rho_surface gammasdf = 0 gammaso = 0 gammasdb = 0 return [tss, too, tsstoo, rdd, tdd, rsd, tsd, rdo, tdo, rso, rsos, rsod, rddt, rsdt, rdot, rsodt, rsost, rsot, gammasdf, gammasdb, gammaso] else: e1 = np.exp(-m * self.lai) e2 = e1 ** 2. rinf = (att - m) / sigb rinf2 = rinf ** 2. re = rinf * e1 denom = 1. - rinf2 * e2 J1ks = self.__Jfunc1(self.VollScat.ks, m, self.lai) J2ks = self.__Jfunc2(self.VollScat.ks, m, self.lai) J1ko = self.__Jfunc1(self.VollScat.ko, m, self.lai) J2ko = self.__Jfunc2(self.VollScat.ko, m, self.lai) Pss = (sf + sb * rinf) * J1ks Qss = (sf * rinf + sb) * J2ks Pv = (vf + vb * rinf) * J1ko Qv = (vf * rinf + vb) * J2ko tdd = (1. - rinf2) * e1 / denom rdd = rinf * (1. - e2) / denom tsd = (Pss - re * Qss) / denom rsd = (Qss - re * Pss) / denom tdo = (Pv - re * Qv) / denom rdo = (Qv - re * Pv) / denom gammasdf = (1. + rinf) * (J1ks - re * J2ks) / denom gammasdb = (1. + rinf) * (-re * J1ks + J2ks) / denom tss = np.exp(-self.VollScat.ks * self.lai) too = np.exp(-self.VollScat.ko * self.lai) z = self.__Jfunc2(self.VollScat.ks, self.VollScat.ko, self.lai) g1 = (z - J1ks * too) / (self.VollScat.ko + m) g2 = (z - J1ko * tss) / (self.VollScat.ks + m) Tv1 = (vf * rinf + vb) * g1 Tv2 = (vf + vb * rinf) * g2 T1 = Tv1 * (sf + sb * rinf) T2 = Tv2 * (sf * rinf + sb) T3 = (rdo * Qss + tdo * Pss) * rinf # Multiple scattering contribution to bidirectional canopy reflectance rsod = (T1 + T2 - T3) / (1. - rinf2) # Thermal "sod" quantity T4 = Tv1 * (1. + rinf) T5 = Tv2 * (1. + rinf) T6 = (rdo * J2ks + tdo * J1ks) * (1. + rinf) * rinf gammasod = (T4 + T5 - T6) / (1. - rinf2) # Treatment of the hotspot-effect alf = 1e36 # Apply correction 2/(K+k) suggested by F.-M. Breon cts, cto, ctscto, tants, tanto, cospsi, dso = self.__define_geometric_constants(self.izaDeg, self.vzaDeg, self.raaDeg) if self.hotspot > 0.: alf = (dso / self.hotspot) * 2. / (self.VollScat.ks + self.VollScat.ko) if alf == 0.: # The pure hotspot tsstoo = tss sumint = (1. - tss) / (self.VollScat.ks * self.lai) else: # Outside the hotspot tsstoo, sumint = self.__hotspot_calculations(alf, self.lai, self.VollScat.ko, self.VollScat.ks) # Bidirectional reflectance # Single scattering contribution rsos = w * self.lai * sumint gammasos = self.VollScat.ko * self.lai * sumint # Total canopy contribution rso = rsos + rsod gammaso = gammasos + gammasod # Interaction with the soil dn = 1. - self.rho_surface * rdd try: dn[dn < 1e-36] = 1e-36 except TypeError: dn = max(1e-36, dn) rddt = rdd + tdd * self.rho_surface * tdd / dn rsdt = rsd + (tsd + tss) * self.rho_surface * tdd / dn rdot = rdo + tdd * self.rho_surface * (tdo + too) / dn rsodt = ((tss + tsd) * tdo + (tsd + tss * self.rho_surface * rdd) * too) * self.rho_surface / dn rsost = rso + tsstoo * self.rho_surface rsot = rsost + rsodt return [tss, too, tsstoo, rdd, tdd, rsd, tsd, rdo, tdo, rso, rsos, rsod, rddt, rsdt, rdot, rsodt, rsost, rsot, gammasdf, gammasdb, gammaso] def __define_geometric_constants(self, tts, tto, psi): cts = np.cos(np.radians(tts)) cto = np.cos(np.radians(tto)) ctscto = cts * cto tants = np.tan(np.radians(tts)) tanto = np.tan(np.radians(tto)) cospsi = np.cos(np.radians(psi)) dso = np.sqrt(tants ** 2. + tanto ** 2. - 2. * tants * tanto * cospsi) return cts, cto, ctscto, tants, tanto, cospsi, dso def __hotspot_calculations(self, alf, lai, ko, ks): fhot = lai * np.sqrt(ko * ks) # Integrate by exponential Simpson method in 20 steps the steps are arranged according to equal partitioning of the slope of the joint probability function x1 = 0. y1 = 0. f1 = 1. fint = (1. - np.exp(-alf)) * .05 sumint = 0. for istep in srange(1, 21): if istep < 20: x2 = -np.log(1. - istep * fint) / alf else: x2 = 1. y2 = -(ko + ks) * lai * x2 + fhot * (1. - np.exp(-alf * x2)) / alf f2 = np.exp(y2) sumint = sumint + (f2 - f1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) x1 = x2 y1 = y2 f1 = f2 tsstoo = f1 if np.isnan(sumint): sumint = 0. return tsstoo, sumint def __Jfunc1(self, k, l, t): """J1 function with avoidance of singularity problem.""" try: nb = len(l) except TypeError: nb = 1 del_ = (k - l) * t if nb > 1: result = np.zeros(nb) result[np.abs(del_) > 1e-3] = (np.exp(-l[np.abs(del_) > 1e-3] * t) - np.exp(-k * t)) / (k - l[np.abs(del_) > 1e-3]) result[np.abs(del_) <= 1e-3] = 0.5 * t * (np.exp(-k * t) + np.exp(-l[np.abs(del_) <= 1e-3] * t)) * \ (1. - (del_[np.abs(del_) <= 1e-3] ** 2.) / 12.) else: if np.abs(del_) > 1e-3: result = (np.exp(-l * t) - np.exp(-k * t)) / (k - l) else: result = 0.5 * t * (np.exp(-k * t) + np.exp(-l * t)) * (1. - (del_ ** 2.) / 12.) return result def __Jfunc2(self, k, l, t): """J2 function.""" return (1. - np.exp(-(k + l) * t)) / (k + l) def __store_aster(self, value): """ Store the leaf reflectance for ASTER bands B1 - B9. """ value = np.array([self.l, value]) value = value.transpose() ASTER = namedtuple('ASTER', 'B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9') b1 = (520, 600) b2 = (630, 690) b3 = (760, 860) b4 = (1600, 1700) b5 = (2145, 2185) b6 = (2185, 2225) b7 = (2235, 2285) b8 = (2295, 2365) b9 = (2360, 2430) ARefB1 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b1[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b1[1])] ARefB2 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b2[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b2[1])] ARefB3 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b3[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b3[1])] ARefB4 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b4[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b4[1])] ARefB5 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b5[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b5[1])] ARefB6 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b6[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b6[1])] ARefB7 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b7[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b7[1])] ARefB8 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b8[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b8[1])] ARefB9 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b9[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b9[1])] return ASTER(ARefB1[:, 1].mean(), ARefB2[:, 1].mean(), ARefB3[:, 1].mean(), ARefB4[:, 1].mean(), ARefB5[:, 1].mean(), ARefB6[:, 1].mean(), ARefB7[:, 1].mean(), ARefB8[:, 1].mean(), ARefB9[:, 1].mean()) def __store_L8(self, value): """ Store the leaf reflectance for LANDSAT8 bands B2 - B7. """ value = np.array([self.l, value]) value = value.transpose() L8 = namedtuple('L8', 'B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7') b2 = (452, 452 + 60) b3 = (533, 533 + 57) b4 = (636, 636 + 37) b5 = (851, 851 + 28) b6 = (1566, 1566 + 85) b7 = (2107, 2107 + 187) LRefB2 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b2[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b2[1])] LRefB3 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b3[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b3[1])] LRefB4 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b4[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b4[1])] LRefB5 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b5[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b5[1])] LRefB6 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b6[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b6[1])] LRefB7 = value[(value[:, 0] >= b7[0]) & (value[:, 0] <= b7[1])] return L8(LRefB2[:, 1].mean(), LRefB3[:, 1].mean(), LRefB4[:, 1].mean(), LRefB5[:, 1].mean(), LRefB6[:, 1].mean(), LRefB7[:, 1].mean())
[docs]class PROSPECT: """ PROSPECT D and 5 (including carotenoids and brown pigments) version b (october, 20th 2009) (:cite:`Jacquemoud.1990`, :cite:`Feret.2008`, :cite:`Baret.`) Parameters ---------- N : int or float Leaf structure parameter. Cab : int or float Chlorophyll a+b content. Cxc : int or float Carotenoids content. Cbr : int or float Brown pigments content in arbitrary units. Cw : int or float Equivalent water thickness. Cm : int or float Dry matter content alpha : int Mean leaf angle (degrees) use 57 for a spherical LIDF. Default is 40. version : {'5', 'D'} PROSPECT version. Default is '5'. Returns ------- All returns are attributes! L8.Bx.kx : namedtuple (with dot access) Landsat 8 average kx (ks, kt, ke) values for Bx band (B2 until B7): ASTER.Bx.kx : namedtuple (with dot access) ASTER average kx (ks, kt, ke) values for Bx band (B1 until B9): l : array_like Continuous Wavelength from 400 until 2500 nm. kt : array_like Continuous Transmission from 400 until 2500 nm. ks : array_like Continuous Scattering from 400 until 2500 nm. ke : array_like Continuous Extinction from 400 until 2500 nm. ka : array_like Continuous Absorption from 400 until 2500 nm. om : array_like Continuous Omega value in terms of Radar from 400 until 2500 nm. """ def __init__(self, N, Cab, Cxc, Cbr, Cw, Cm, Can=0, alpha=40, version='5'): self.N = N self.Cab = Cab self.Cxc = Cxc self.Cbr = Cbr self.Cw = Cw self.Cm = Cm self.Can = Can self.alpha = alpha self.ver = version self.l = np.arange(400, 2501) self.n_l = len(self.l) if self.ver != '5' and self.ver != 'D': raise ValueError("version must be '5' for PROSPECT 5 or 'D' for PROSPECT D. " "The actual version is: {}".format(str(self.ver))) self.__set_coef() self.__pre_process() self.__calc() self.__store() def __set_coef(self): if self.ver == 'D' and self.Can == 0: raise AssertionError("For PROSPECT version D is the Anthocyanins value mandatory (!=0)") if self.ver == '5': self.KN = lib.p5.KN self.Kab = lib.p5.Kab self.Kxc = lib.p5.Kxc self.Kbr = lib.p5.Kbr self.Kw = lib.p5.Kw self.Km = lib.p5.Km self.Kan = np.zeros_like(self.Km) if self.ver == 'D': self.KN = lib.pd.KN self.Kab = lib.pd.Kab self.Kxc = lib.pd.Kxc self.Kbr = lib.pd.Kbr self.Kw = lib.pd.Kw self.Km = lib.pd.Km self.Kan = lib.pd.Kan self.n_elems_list = [len(spectrum) for spectrum in [self.KN, self.Kab, self.Kxc, self.Kbr, self.Kw, self.Km, self.Kan]] def __pre_process(self): kall = (self.Cab * self.Kab + self.Cxc * self.Kxc + self.Can * self.Kan + self.Cbr * self.Kbr + self.Cw * self.Kw + self.Cm * self.Km) / self.N j = kall > 0 t1 = (1 - kall) * np.exp(-kall) t2 = kall ** 2 * (-expi(-kall)) tau = np.ones_like(t1) tau[j] = t1[j] + t2[j] self.r, self.t, self.Ra, self.Ta, self.denom = self.__refl_trans_one_layer(self.alpha, self.KN, tau) def __calctav(self, alpha, KN): """ Note ---- Stern F. (1964), Transmission of isotropic radiation across an interface between two dielectrics, Appl. Opt., 3(1):111-113. Allen W.A. (1973), Transmission of isotropic light across a dielectric surface in two and three dimensions, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 63(6):664-666. """ # rd = pi/180 np.deg2rad n2 = KN * KN npx = n2 + 1 nm = n2 - 1 a = (KN + 1) * (KN + 1) / 2. k = -(n2 - 1) * (n2 - 1) / 4. sa = np.sin(np.deg2rad(alpha)) if alpha != 90: b1 = np.sqrt((sa * sa - npx / 2) * (sa * sa - npx / 2) + k) else: b1 = 0. b2 = sa * sa - npx / 2 b = b1 - b2 b3 = b ** 3 a3 = a ** 3 ts = (k ** 2 / (6 * b3) + k / b - b / 2) - (k ** 2. / (6 * a3) + k / a - a / 2) tp1 = -2 * n2 * (b - a) / (npx ** 2) tp2 = -2 * n2 * npx * np.log(b / a) / (nm ** 2) tp3 = n2 * (1 / b - 1 / a) / 2 tp4 = 16 * n2 ** 2 * (n2 ** 2 + 1) * np.log((2 * npx * b - nm ** 2) / (2 * npx * a - nm ** 2)) / ( npx ** 3 * nm ** 2) tp5 = 16 * n2 ** 3 * (1. / (2 * npx * b - nm ** 2) - 1 / (2 * npx * a - nm ** 2)) / (npx ** 3) tp = tp1 + tp2 + tp3 + tp4 + tp5 tav = (ts + tp) / (2 * sa ** 2) return tav def __refl_trans_one_layer(self, alpha, KN, tau): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Note ---- Reflectance and transmittance of one layer. Allen W.A., Gausman H.W., Richardson A.J., Thomas J.R. (1969), Interaction of isotropic ligth with a compact plant leaf, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 59(10):1376-1379. """ talf = self.__calctav(self.alpha, KN) ralf = 1.0 - talf t12 = self.__calctav(90, KN) r12 = 1. - t12 t21 = t12 / (KN * KN) r21 = 1 - t21 # top surface side denom = 1. - r21 * r21 * tau * tau Ta = talf * tau * t21 / denom Ra = ralf + r21 * tau * Ta # bottom surface side t = t12 * tau * t21 / denom r = r12 + r21 * tau * t return r, t, Ra, Ta, denom def __calc(self): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Note ---- Reflectance and transmittance of N layers Stokes equations to compute properties of next N-1 layers (N real) Normal case Stokes G.G. (1862), On the intensity of the light reflected from or transmitted through a pile of plates, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 11:545-556. """ D = np.sqrt((1 + self.r + self.t) * (1 + self.r - self.t) * (1. - self.r + self.t) * (1. - self.r - self.t)) rq = self.r * self.r tq = self.t * self.t a = (1 + rq - tq + D) / (2 * self.r) b = (1 - rq + tq + D) / (2 * self.t) bNm1 = np.power(b, self.N - 1) bN2 = bNm1 * bNm1 a2 = a * a denom = a2 * bN2 - 1 Rsub = a * (bN2 - 1) / denom Tsub = bNm1 * (a2 - 1) / denom # Case of zero absorption j = self.r + self.t >= 1. Tsub[j] = self.t[j] / (self.t[j] + (1 - self.t[j]) * (self.N - 1)) Rsub[j] = 1 - Tsub[j] # Reflectance and transmittance of the leaf: combine top layer with next N-1 layers denom = 1 - Rsub * self.r self.kt = self.Ta * Tsub / denom self.ks = self.Ra + self.Ta * Rsub * self.t / denom self.ka = 1 - self.ks - self.kt = self.ks + self.ka = self.ks / = [self.l, self.ks, self.kt, self.ka,,] RT = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) = RT.transpose() def __store(self): """ Store the leaf reflectance for ASTER bands B1 - B9 or LANDSAT8 bands B2 - B7. """ ASTER = namedtuple('ASTER', 'B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9') B1 = namedtuple('B1', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B2 = namedtuple('B2', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B3 = namedtuple('B3', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B4 = namedtuple('B4', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B5 = namedtuple('B5', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B6 = namedtuple('B6', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B7 = namedtuple('B7', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B8 = namedtuple('B8', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B9 = namedtuple('B9', 'ks kt ka ke omega') b1 = (520, 600) b2 = (630, 690) b3 = (760, 860) b4 = (1600, 1700) b5 = (2145, 2185) b6 = (2185, 2225) b7 = (2235, 2285) b8 = (2295, 2365) b9 = (2360, 2430) ARefB1 =[([:, 0] >= b1[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b1[1])] ARefB1 = [ARefB1[:, 1].mean(), ARefB1[:, 2].mean(), ARefB1[:, 3].mean(), ARefB1[:, 4].mean(), ARefB1[:, 5].mean()] ARefB2 =[([:, 0] >= b2[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b2[1])] ARefB2 = [ARefB2[:, 1].mean(), ARefB2[:, 2].mean(), ARefB2[:, 3].mean(), ARefB2[:, 4].mean(), ARefB2[:, 5].mean()] ARefB3 =[([:, 0] >= b3[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b3[1])] ARefB3 = [ARefB3[:, 1].mean(), ARefB3[:, 2].mean(), ARefB3[:, 3].mean(), ARefB3[:, 4].mean(), ARefB3[:, 5].mean()] ARefB4 =[([:, 0] >= b4[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b4[1])] ARefB4 = [ARefB4[:, 1].mean(), ARefB4[:, 2].mean(), ARefB4[:, 3].mean(), ARefB4[:, 4].mean(), ARefB4[:, 5].mean()] ARefB5 =[([:, 0] >= b5[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b5[1])] ARefB5 = [ARefB5[:, 1].mean(), ARefB5[:, 2].mean(), ARefB5[:, 3].mean(), ARefB5[:, 4].mean(), ARefB5[:, 5].mean()] ARefB6 =[([:, 0] >= b6[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b6[1])] ARefB6 = [ARefB6[:, 1].mean(), ARefB6[:, 2].mean(), ARefB6[:, 3].mean(), ARefB6[:, 4].mean(), ARefB6[:, 5].mean()] ARefB7 =[([:, 0] >= b7[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b7[1])] ARefB7 = [ARefB7[:, 1].mean(), ARefB7[:, 2].mean(), ARefB7[:, 3].mean(), ARefB7[:, 4].mean(), ARefB7[:, 5].mean()] ARefB8 =[([:, 0] >= b8[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b8[1])] ARefB8 = [ARefB8[:, 1].mean(), ARefB8[:, 2].mean(), ARefB8[:, 3].mean(), ARefB8[:, 4].mean(), ARefB8[:, 5].mean()] ARefB9 =[([:, 0] >= b9[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b9[1])] ARefB9 = [ARefB9[:, 1].mean(), ARefB9[:, 2].mean(), ARefB9[:, 3].mean(), ARefB9[:, 4].mean(), ARefB9[:, 5].mean()] B1 = B1(ARefB1[0], ARefB1[1], ARefB1[2], ARefB1[3], ARefB1[4]) B2 = B2(ARefB2[0], ARefB2[1], ARefB2[2], ARefB2[3], ARefB2[4]) B3 = B3(ARefB3[0], ARefB3[1], ARefB3[2], ARefB3[3], ARefB3[4]) B4 = B4(ARefB4[0], ARefB4[1], ARefB4[2], ARefB4[3], ARefB4[4]) B5 = B5(ARefB5[0], ARefB5[1], ARefB5[2], ARefB5[3], ARefB5[4]) B6 = B6(ARefB6[0], ARefB6[1], ARefB6[2], ARefB6[3], ARefB6[4]) B7 = B7(ARefB7[0], ARefB7[1], ARefB7[2], ARefB7[3], ARefB7[4]) B8 = B8(ARefB8[0], ARefB8[1], ARefB8[2], ARefB8[3], ARefB8[4]) B9 = B9(ARefB9[0], ARefB9[1], ARefB9[2], ARefB9[3], ARefB9[4]) self.ASTER = ASTER(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9) L8 = namedtuple('L8', 'B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7') B2 = namedtuple('B2', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B3 = namedtuple('B3', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B4 = namedtuple('B4', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B5 = namedtuple('B5', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B6 = namedtuple('B6', 'ks kt ka ke omega') B7 = namedtuple('B7', 'ks kt ka ke omega') b2 = (452, 452 + 60) b3 = (533, 533 + 57) b4 = (636, 636 + 37) b5 = (851, 851 + 28) b6 = (1566, 1566 + 85) b7 = (2107, 2107 + 187) LRefB2 =[([:, 0] >= b2[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b2[1])] LRefB2 = [LRefB2[:, 1].mean(), LRefB2[:, 2].mean(), LRefB2[:, 3].mean(), LRefB2[:, 4].mean(), LRefB2[:, 5].mean()] LRefB3 =[([:, 0] >= b3[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b3[1])] LRefB3 = [LRefB3[:, 1].mean(), LRefB3[:, 2].mean(), LRefB3[:, 3].mean(), LRefB3[:, 4].mean(), LRefB3[:, 5].mean()] LRefB4 =[([:, 0] >= b4[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b4[1])] LRefB4 = [LRefB4[:, 1].mean(), LRefB4[:, 2].mean(), LRefB4[:, 3].mean(), LRefB4[:, 4].mean(), LRefB4[:, 5].mean()] LRefB5 =[([:, 0] >= b5[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b5[1])] LRefB5 = [LRefB5[:, 1].mean(), LRefB5[:, 2].mean(), LRefB5[:, 3].mean(), LRefB5[:, 4].mean(), LRefB5[:, 5].mean()] LRefB6 =[([:, 0] >= b6[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b6[1])] LRefB6 = [LRefB6[:, 1].mean(), LRefB6[:, 2].mean(), LRefB6[:, 3].mean(), LRefB6[:, 4].mean(), LRefB6[:, 5].mean()] LRefB7 =[([:, 0] >= b7[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b7[1])] LRefB7 = [LRefB7[:, 1].mean(), LRefB7[:, 2].mean(), LRefB7[:, 3].mean(), LRefB7[:, 4].mean(), LRefB7[:, 5].mean()] B2 = B2(LRefB2[0], LRefB2[1], LRefB2[2], LRefB2[3], LRefB2[4]) B3 = B3(LRefB3[0], LRefB3[1], LRefB3[2], LRefB3[3], LRefB3[4]) B4 = B4(LRefB4[0], LRefB4[1], LRefB4[2], LRefB4[3], LRefB4[4]) B5 = B5(LRefB5[0], LRefB5[1], LRefB5[2], LRefB5[3], LRefB5[4]) B6 = B6(LRefB6[0], LRefB6[1], LRefB6[2], LRefB6[3], LRefB6[4]) B7 = B7(LRefB7[0], LRefB7[1], LRefB7[2], LRefB7[3], LRefB7[4]) self.L8 = L8(B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7)
[docs] def select(self, mins=None, maxs=None, function='mean'): """ Returns the means of the coefficients in range between min and max. Parameters ---------- mins : int Lower bound of the wavelength (400 - 2500) maxs : int Upper bound of the wavelength (400 - 2500) function : {'mean'}, optional Specify how the bands are calculated. Returns ------- Band : array_like Reflectance in the selected range. """ if function == 'mean': ranges =[([:, 0] >= mins) & ([:, 0] <= maxs)] ks = ranges[:, 1].mean() kt = ranges[:, 2].mean() ka = ranges[:, 3].mean() ke = ranges[:, 4].mean() om = ranges[:, 5].mean() ranges = [ks, kt, ka, ke, om] return np.asarray(ranges, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def indices(self): self.ndvi = (, 879)[0] -, 673)[0]) / (, 879)[0] +, 673)[0]) return self.ndvi
[docs] def cleanup(self, name): """Do cleanup for an attribute""" try: delattr(self, name) except TypeError: for item in name: delattr(self, item)
[docs]class Rayleigh(Scattering): """ Calculate the extinction coefficients in terms of Rayleigh scattering (:cite:`Ulaby.2015` and :cite:`Ulaby.2015b`). Parameters ---------- frequency : int or float Frequency (GHz) particle_size : int, float or array Particle size a [m]. diel_constant_p : complex Dielectric constant of the medium. diel_constant_b : complex Dielectric constant of the background. Returns ------- All returns are attributes! : int, float or array_like Extinction coefficient. self.ks : int, float or array_like Scattering coefficient. self.ka : int, float or array_like Absorption coefficient. : int, float or array_like Omega. self.s0 : int, float or array_like Backscatter coefficient sigma 0. """ def __init__(self, frequency, particle_size, diel_constant_p, diel_constant_b=(1 + 1j)): super(Rayleigh, self).__init__(frequency, particle_size, diel_constant_p, diel_constant_b) # Check validity lm = 299792458 / (self.freq * 1e9) # Wavelength in meter self.condition = (2 * np.pi * self.a) / lm if np.any(self.condition >= 0.5): warnings.warn("Rayleigh condition not holds. You should use Mie scattering.", Warning) else: pass self.__calc() def __calc(self): self.bigK = (self.n ** 2 - 1) / (self.n ** 2 + 2) self.ks = (8 / 3) * self.chi ** 4 * np.abs(self.bigK) ** 2 self.ka = 4 * self.chi * (-self.bigK.imag) = self.ka + self.ks self.kt = 1 - self.s0 = 4 * self.chi ** 4 * np.abs(self.bigK) ** 2 = self.ks /
[docs]class Mie(Scattering): """ Calculate the extinction coefficients in terms of Mie scattering (:cite:`Ulaby.2015` and :cite:`Ulaby.2015b`). Parameters ---------- frequency : int or float Frequency (GHz) particle_size : int, float or array Particle size a [m]. diel_constant_p : complex Dielectric constant of the medium. diel_constant_b : complex Dielectric constant of the background. Returns ------- All returns are attributes! : int, float or array_like Extinction coefficient. self.ks : int, float or array_like Scattering coefficient. self.ka : int, float or array_like Absorption coefficient. : int, float or array_like Omega. self.s0 : int, float or array_like Backscatter coefficient sigma 0. """ def __init__(self, frequency, particle_size, diel_constant_p, diel_constant_b=(1 + 1j)): super(Mie, self).__init__(frequency, particle_size, diel_constant_p, diel_constant_b) # Check validity lm = 299792458 / (self.freq * 1e9) # Wavelength in meter self.condition = (2 * np.pi * self.a) / lm if np.any(self.condition < 0.5): warnings.warn("Mie condition not holds. You schould use Rayleigh scattering.", Warning) else: pass try: self.lenchi = len(self.chi) except: self.lenchi = 1 self.__calc() def __end_sum(self, A0, A1, num): stop = True pDiff = np.abs((A1 - A0) / A0) * 100 try: for t in srange(num): if pDiff[t] >= 0.001 or A0[t] == 0: stop = False else: pass return stop except: if pDiff >= 0.001 or A0 == 0: stop = False else: pass return stop def __calc(self): l = 1 first = True runSum = np.zeros_like(self.freq) oldSum = np.zeros_like(self.freq) W1 = np.sin(self.chi) + 1j * np.cos(self.chi) W2 = np.cos(self.chi) - 1j * np.sin(self.chi) A1 = cot(self.n * self.chi) while first or not self.__end_sum(oldSum, runSum, self.lenchi): W = (2 * l - 1) / self.chi * W1 - W2 A = -l / (self.n * self.chi) + (l / (self.n * self.chi) - A1) ** (-1) a = ((A / self.n + l / self.chi) * W.real - W1.real) / ((A / self.n + l / self.chi) * W - W1) b = ((self.n * A + l / self.chi) * W.real - W1.real) / ((self.n * A + l / self.chi) * W - W1) sumTerm = (2 * l + 1) * (np.abs(a) ** 2 + np.abs(b) ** 2) oldSum = runSum runSum = runSum + sumTerm l += 1 W2 = W1 W1 = W A1 = A first = False self.ks = 2 / self.chi ** 2 * runSum l = 1 first = True runSum = np.zeros_like(self.freq) oldSum = np.zeros_like(self.freq) W1 = np.sin(self.chi) + 1j * np.cos(self.chi) W2 = np.cos(self.chi) - 1j * np.sin(self.chi) A1 = cot(self.n * self.chi) while first or not self.__end_sum(oldSum, runSum, self.lenchi): W = (2 * l - 1) / self.chi * W1 - W2 A = -l / (self.n * self.chi) + (l / (self.n * self.chi) - A1) ** (-1) a = ((A / self.n + l / self.chi) * W.real - W1.real) / ((A / self.n + l / self.chi) * W - W1) b = ((self.n * A + l / self.chi) * W.real - W1.real) / ((self.n * A + l / self.chi) * W - W1) sumTerm = (2 * l + 1) * np.real(a + b) oldSum = runSum runSum = runSum + sumTerm l += 1 W2 = W1 W1 = W A1 = A first = False = 2 / self.chi ** 2 * runSum = self.ks / self.ka = - self.ks self.kt = 1 - l = 1 first = True runSum = np.zeros_like(self.freq) oldSum = np.zeros_like(self.freq) W1 = np.sin(self.chi) + 1j * np.cos(self.chi) W2 = np.cos(self.chi) - 1j * np.sin(self.chi) A1 = cot(self.n * self.chi) while first or not self.__end_sum(oldSum, runSum, self.lenchi): W = (2 * l - 1) / self.chi * W1 - W2 A = -l / (self.n * self.chi) + (l / (self.n * self.chi) - A1) ** (-1) a = ((A / self.n + l / self.chi) * W.real - W1.real) / ((A / self.n + l / self.chi) * W - W1) b = ((self.n * A + l / self.chi) * W.real - W1.real) / ((self.n * A + l / self.chi) * W - W1) sumTerm = (-1) ** l * (2 * l + 1) * (a - b) oldSum = runSum runSum = runSum + sumTerm l += 1 W2 = W1 W1 = W A1 = A first = False self.s0 = 1 / self.chi ** 2 * np.abs(runSum) ** 2
# ---- Dielectric Constants ----
[docs]class DielConstant: """ Class to calculate the Dielectric Constant of different objects (:cite:`Ulaby.2015` and :cite:`Ulaby.2015b`). See Also -------- DielConstant.pureWater DielConstant.salineWater DielConstant.soil DielConstant.vegetation, DielConstant.combine """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def water(frequency, temp): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Relative Dielectric Constant of Pure Water. Computes the real and imaginary parts of the relative dielectric constant of water at any temperature 0<t<30 and frequency 0<f<1000 GHz. Uses the double-Debye model. Parameters ---------- frequency : int, float or array_like Frequency (GHz). temp : int, float or array Temperature in C° (0 - 30). Returns ------- Dielectric Constant: complex """ a = [0.63000075e1, 0.26242021e-2, 0.17667420e-3, 0.58366888e3, 0.12634992e3, 0.69227972e-4, 0.30742330e3, 0.12634992e3, 0.37245044e1, 0.92609781e-2] epsS = 87.85306 * np.exp(-0.00456992 * temp) epsOne = a[0] * np.exp(-a[1] * temp) tau1 = a[2] * np.exp(a[3] / (temp + a[4])) tau2 = a[5] * np.exp(a[6] / (temp + a[7])) epsInf = a[8] + a[9] * temp eps = ((epsS - epsOne) / (1 - 1j * 2 * np.pi * frequency * tau1)) + ( (epsOne - epsInf) / (1 - 1j * 2 * np.pi * frequency * tau2)) + epsInf return eps
[docs] @staticmethod def saline_water(frequency, temp, salinity): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Relative Dielectric Constant of Saline Water. Computes the real and imaginary parts of the relative dielectric constant of water at any temperature 0<t<30, Salinity 0<Salinity<40 0/00, and frequency 0<f<1000GHz Parameters ---------- frequency : int, float or array_like Frequency (GHz). temp : int, float or array Temperature in C° (0 - 30). salinity : int, float or array Salinity in parts per thousand. Returns ------- Dielectric Constant: complex """ # Conductvity A = [2.903602, 8.607e-2, 4.738817e-4, -2.991e-6, 4.3041e-9] sig35 = A[0] + A[1] * temp + A[2] * temp ** 2 + A[3] * temp ** 3 + A[4] * temp ** 4 A = [37.5109, 5.45216, 0.014409, 1004.75, 182.283] P = salinity * ((A[0] + A[1] * salinity + A[2] * salinity ** 2) / (A[3] + A[4] * salinity + salinity ** 2)) A = [6.9431, 3.2841, -0.099486, 84.85, 69.024] alpha0 = (A[0] + A[1] * salinity + A[2] * salinity ** 2) / (A[3] + A[4] * salinity + salinity ** 2) A = [49.843, -0.2276, 0.00198] alpha1 = A[0] + A[1] * salinity + A[2] * salinity ** 2 Q = 1 + ((alpha0 * (temp - 15)) / (temp + alpha1)) sigma = sig35 * P * Q a = [0.46606917e-2, -0.26087876e-4, -0.63926782e-5, 0.63000075e1, 0.26242021e-2, -0.42984155e-2, 0.34414691e-4, 0.17667420e-3, -0.20491560e-6, 0.58366888e3, 0.12634992e3, 0.69227972e-4, 0.38957681e-6, 0.30742330e3, 0.12634992e3, 0.37245044e1, 0.92609781e-2, -0.26093754e-1] epsS = 87.85306 * np.exp(-0.00456992 * temp - a[0] * salinity - a[1] * salinity ** 2 - a[2] * salinity * temp) epsOne = a[3] * np.exp(-a[4] * temp - a[5] * salinity - a[6] * salinity * temp) tau1 = (a[7] + a[8] * salinity) * np.exp(a[9] / (temp + a[10])) tau2 = (a[11] + a[12] * salinity) * np.exp(a[13] / (temp + a[14])) epsInf = a[15] + a[16] * temp + a[17] * salinity eps = ((epsS - epsOne) / (1 - 1j * 2 * np.pi * frequency * tau1)) + ( (epsOne - epsInf) / (1 - 1j * 2 * np.pi * frequency * tau2)) + epsInf + 1j * ( (17.9751 * sigma) / frequency) return eps
[docs] @staticmethod def soil(frequency, temp, S, C, mv, rho_b=1.7): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Relative Dielectric Constant of soil. Computes the real and imaginary parts of the relative dielectric constant of soil at a given temperature 0<t<40C, frequency, volumetric moisture content, soil bulk density, sand and clay fractions. Parameters ---------- frequency : int, float or array_like Frequency (GHz). temp : int, float or array Temperature in C° (0 - 30). S : int or float Sand fraction in %. C : int or float Clay fraction in %. mv : int or float Volumetric Water Content (0<mv<1) rho_b : int or float (default = 1.7) Bulk density in g/cm3 (typical value is 1.7 g/cm3). Returns ------- Dielectric Constant: complex """ frequency = np.asarray(frequency).flatten() epsl = [] for i in srange(len(frequency)): f_hz = frequency[i] * 1.0e9 beta1 = 1.27 - 0.519 * S - 0.152 * C beta2 = 2.06 - 0.928 * S - 0.255 * C alpha = 0.65 eps_0 = 8.854e-12 sigma_s = 0 if frequency[i] > 1.3: sigma_s = -1.645 + 1.939 * rho_b - 2.256 * S + 1.594 * C if frequency[i] >= 0.3 and frequency[i] <= 1.3: sigma_s = 0.0467 + 0.22 * rho_b - 0.411 * S + 0.661 * C ew_inf = 4.9 ew_0 = 88.045 - 0.4147 * temp + 6.295e-4 * temp ** 2 + 1.075e-5 * temp ** 3 tau_w = (1.1109e-10 - 3.824e-12 * temp + 6.938e-14 * temp ** 2 - 5.096e-16 * temp ** 3) / 2 / np.pi epsrW = ew_inf + (ew_0 - ew_inf) / (1 + (2 * np.pi * f_hz * tau_w) ** 2) epsiW = 2 * np.pi * tau_w * f_hz * (ew_0 - ew_inf) / (1 + (2 * np.pi * f_hz * tau_w) ** 2) + ( 2.65 - rho_b) / 2.65 / mv * sigma_s / (2 * np.pi * eps_0 * f_hz) epsr = (1 + 0.66 * rho_b + mv ** beta1 * epsrW ** alpha - mv) ** (1 / alpha) epsi = mv ** beta2 * epsiW eps = np.complex(epsr, epsi) epsl.append(eps) return np.asarray(epsl, dtype=np.complex)
[docs] @staticmethod def vegetation(frequency, mg): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Relative Dielectric Constant of Vegetation. Computes the real and imaginary parts of the relative dielectric constant of vegetation material, such as corn leaves, in the microwave region. Parameters ---------- frequency : int, float or array_like Frequency (GHz). mg : int or float Gravimetric moisture content (0<mg< 1). Returns ------- Dielectric Constant: complex """ frequency = np.asarray(frequency).flatten() S = 15 epsl = [] for i in srange(len(frequency)): # free water in leaves sigma_i = 0.17 * S - 0.0013 * S ** 2 eps_w_r = 4.9 + 74.4 / (1 + (frequency[i] / 18) ** 2) eps_w_i = 74.4 * (frequency[i] / 18) / (1 + (frequency[i] / 18) ** 2) + 18 * sigma_i / frequency[i] # bound water in leaves eps_b_r = 2.9 + 55 * (1 + np.sqrt(frequency[i] / 0.36)) / ( (1 + np.sqrt(frequency[i] / 0.36)) ** 2 + (frequency[i] / 0.36)) eps_b_i = 55 * np.sqrt(frequency[i] / 0.36) / ( (1 + np.sqrt(frequency[i] / 0.36)) ** 2 + (frequency[i] / 0.36)) # emnp.pirical fits v_fw = mg * (0.55 * mg - 0.076) v_bw = 4.64 * mg ** 2 / (1 + 7.36 * mg ** 2) eps_r = 1.7 - 0.74 * mg + 6.16 * mg ** 2 eps_v_r = eps_r + v_fw * eps_w_r + v_bw * eps_b_r eps_v_i = v_fw * eps_w_i + v_bw * eps_b_i eps = np.complex(eps_v_r, eps_v_i) epsl.append(eps) return np.asarray(epsl, dtype=np.complex)
[docs] @staticmethod def combine(frequency, mg, temp, S, C, mv, rho_b=1.7): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Combine the Relative Dielectric Constant of Vegetation with Soil. Computes the real and imaginary parts of the relative dielectric constant of vegetation material, such as corn leaves, in the microwave region. Computes the real and imaginary parts of the relative dielectric constant of soil at a given temperature 0<t<40C, frequency, volumetric moisture content, soil bulk density, sand and clay fractions. Parameters ---------- frequency : int, float or array_like Frequency (GHz). mg : int or float Gravimetric moisture content (0<mg< 1). temp : int, float or array Temperature in C° (0 - 30). S : int or float Sand fraction in %. C : int or float Clay fraction in %. mv : int or float Volumetric Water Content (0<mv<1) rho_b : int or float (default = 1.7) Bulk density in g/cm3 (typical value is 1.7 g/cm3). """ surf = DielConstant.soil(frequency, temp, S, C, mv, rho_b) veg = DielConstant.vegetation(frequency, mg) return ReflectanceResult(freq=frequency, surface=surf, vegetation=veg)
# ---- Correlation Function ---- class CorrFunc: """ Correlation Functions for I2EM Model. Parameters ---------- Functions: * class.exponential(n, wvnb, sigma, corrlength, Ts), * class.gaussian(n, wvnb, sigma, corrlength, Ts), * class.xpower(n, wvnb, sigma, corrlength, Ts), n: int (>1) Coefficient needed for x-power and x-exponential correlation function wvnb: Calculated by SurfScat Module. corrlength: int or floar) Correlation length (cm) sigma: int or float) RMS Height (cm) Ts: Calculated by SurfScat Module. """ def __init__(self): pass def calc(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement abstract method") class exponential(CorrFunc): """ See Also -------- CorrFunc """ def __init__(self, n, wvnb, sigma, corrlength, Ts): self.n = n self.wvnb = wvnb self.sigma = sigma self.corrlen = corrlength self.Ts = Ts self.calc() def calc(self): Wn = [] for i in srange(self.Ts): i += 1 self.wn = self.corrlen ** 2 / i ** 2 * (1 + (self.wvnb * self.corrlen / i) ** 2) ** (-1.5) Wn.append(self.wn) self.Wn = np.asarray(Wn, dtype=np.float) self.rss = self.sigma / self.corrlen class gaussian(CorrFunc): """ See Also -------- CorrFunc """ def __init__(self, n, wvnb, sigma, corrlength, Ts): self.n = n self.wvnb = wvnb self.sigma = sigma self.corrlen = corrlength self.Ts = Ts self.calc() def calc(self): Wn = [] for i in srange(self.Ts): i += 1 self.wn = self.corrlen ** 2 / (2 * i) * np.exp(-(self.wvnb * self.corrlen) ** 2 / (4 * i)) Wn.append(self.wn) self.Wn = np.asarray(Wn, dtype=np.float) self.rss = np.sqrt(2) * self.sigma / self.corrlen class xpower(CorrFunc): """ See Also -------- CorrFunc """ def __init__(self, n, wvnb, sigma, corrlength, Ts): self.n = n self.wvnb = wvnb self.sigma = sigma self.corrlen = corrlength self.Ts = Ts self.calc() def calc(self): import scipy as sp Wn = [] for i in srange(self.Ts): i += 1 self.wn = self.corrlen ** 2 * (self.wvnb * self.corrlen) ** (-1 + self.n * i) * sp.special.kv( 1 - self.n * i, self.wvnb * self.corrlen) / (2 ** (self.n * i - 1) * sp.special.gamma(self.n * i)) Wn.append(self.wn) self.Wn = np.asarray(Wn, dtype=np.float) if self.n == 1.5: self.rss = np.sqrt(self.n * 2) * self.sigma / self.corrlen else: self.rss = 0 class mixed(CorrFunc): def __init__(self, n, wvnb, sigma, corrlength, Ts): self.n = n self.wvnb = wvnb self.sigma = sigma self.corrlen = corrlength self.Ts = Ts self.calc() def calc(self): gauss = gaussian(self.n, self.wvnb, self.sigma, self.corrlen, self.Ts) exp = exponential(self.n, self.wvnb, self.sigma, self.corrlen, self.Ts) self.Wn = gauss.Wn / exp.Wn self.rss = gauss.rss / exp.rss # ---- Surface Models ----
[docs]class LSM: """ In optical wavelengths the Lambertian Linear Model (LSM) is used. If you want to calculate the RO Model in optical terms you will calculate the surface reflexion previous. Equation: Total Soil Reflectance = Reflectance*(Moisture*soil_spectrum1+(1-Moisture)*soil_spectrum2) By default, soil_spectrum1 is a dry soil, and soil_spectrum2 is a wet soil, so in that case, 'moisture' is a surface soil moisture parameter. ``reflectance`` is a soil brightness term. You can provide one or the two soil spectra if you want. The calculation is between 400 and 2500 nm with 1nm spacing. Parameters ---------- reflectance : int or float Surface (Lambertian) reflectance in optical wavelength. moisture : int or float Surface moisture content between 0 and 1. Returns ------- All returns are attributes! self.L8 : namedtuple (with dot access) Landsat 8 average kx (ks, kt, ke) values for Bx band (B2 until B7) self.ASTER : namedtuple (with dot access) ASTER average kx (ks, kt, ke) values for Bx band (B1 until B9) self.ref : dict (with dot access) Continuous surface reflectance values from 400 until 2500 nm self.l : dict (with dot access) Continuous Wavelength values from 400 until 2500 nm """ def __init__(self, reflectance, moisture): self.l = np.arange(400, 2501) self.sRef = reflectance self.moisture = moisture self.__calc() self.__store() def __calc(self): self.ref = self.sRef * (self.moisture * lib.soil.rsoil1 + (1 - self.moisture) * lib.soil.rsoil2) = [self.l, self.ref] = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) = # self.surface = ReflectanceResult(ref=self.ref, # l=self.l) def __store(self): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Store the surface reflectance for ASTER bands B1 - B9 or LANDSAT8 bands B2 - B7. Access: :self.ASTER.Bx: (array_like) Soil reflectance for ASTER Band x. :self.L8.Bx: (array_like) Soil reflectance for LANDSAT 8 Band x. """ ASTER = namedtuple('ASTER', 'B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9') b1 = (520, 600) b2 = (630, 690) b3 = (760, 860) b4 = (1600, 1700) b5 = (2145, 2185) b6 = (2185, 2225) b7 = (2235, 2285) b8 = (2295, 2365) b9 = (2360, 2430) B1 =[([:, 0] >= b1[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b1[1])] B1 = B1[:, 1].mean() B2 =[([:, 0] >= b2[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b2[1])] B2 = B2[:, 1].mean() B3 =[([:, 0] >= b3[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b3[1])] B3 = B3[:, 1].mean() B4 =[([:, 0] >= b4[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b4[1])] B4 = B4[:, 1].mean() B5 =[([:, 0] >= b5[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b5[1])] B5 = B5[:, 1].mean() B6 =[([:, 0] >= b6[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b6[1])] B6 = B6[:, 1].mean() B7 =[([:, 0] >= b7[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b7[1])] B7 = B7[:, 1].mean() B8 =[([:, 0] >= b8[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b8[1])] B8 = B8[:, 1].mean() B9 =[([:, 0] >= b9[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b9[1])] B9 = B9[:, 1].mean() self.ASTER = ASTER(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9) L8 = namedtuple('L8', 'B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7') b2 = (452, 452 + 60) b3 = (533, 533 + 57) b4 = (636, 636 + 37) b5 = (851, 851 + 28) b6 = (1566, 1566 + 85) b7 = (2107, 2107 + 187) B2 =[([:, 0] >= b2[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b2[1])] B2 = B2[:, 1].mean() B3 =[([:, 0] >= b3[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b3[1])] B3 = B3[:, 1].mean() B4 =[([:, 0] >= b4[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b4[1])] B4 = B4[:, 1].mean() B5 =[([:, 0] >= b5[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b5[1])] B5 = B5[:, 1].mean() B6 =[([:, 0] >= b6[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b6[1])] B6 = B6[:, 1].mean() B7 =[([:, 0] >= b7[0]) & ([:, 0] <= b7[1])] B7 = B7[:, 1].mean() self.L8 = L8(B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7) # # = ReflectanceResult(L8=L8, # ASTER=ASTER, # surface=self.surface)
[docs] def select(self, mins, maxs, function='mean'): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- """ Returns the means of the coefficients in range between min and max. Args: :min: (int) Lower bound of the wavelength (400 - 2500) :max: (int) Upper bound of the wavelength (400 - 2500) """ if function == 'mean': ranges =[([:, 0] >= mins) & ([:, 0] <= maxs)] ref = ranges[:, 1].mean() return ref
[docs] def cleanup(self, name): """Do cleanup for an attribute""" try: delattr(self, name) except TypeError: for item in name: delattr(self, item)
[docs]class I2EM(Kernel): """ RADAR Surface Scatter Based Kernel (I2EM). Compute BSC VV and BSC HH and the emissivity for single-scale random surface for Bi and Mono-static acquisitions (:cite:`Ulaby.2015` and :cite:`Ulaby.2015b`). Parameters ---------- iza, vza, raa : int, float or ndarray Incidence (iza) and scattering (vza) zenith angle, as well as relative azimuth (raa) angle. normalize : boolean, optional Set to 'True' to make kernels 0 at nadir view illumination. Since all implemented kernels are normalized the default value is False. nbar : float, optional The sun or incidence zenith angle at which the isotropic term is set to if normalize is True. The default value is 0.0. angle_unit : {'DEG', 'RAD'}, optional * 'DEG': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [DEG] (default). * 'RAD': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [RAD]. frequency : int or float RADAR Frequency (GHz). diel_constant : int or float Complex dielectric constant of soil. corrlength : int or float Correlation length (cm). sigma : int or float RMS Height (cm) n : int (default = 10), optinal Coefficient needed for x-power and x-exponential correlation function. corrfunc : {'exponential', 'gaussian', 'xpower', 'mixed'}, optional Correlation distribution functions. The `mixed` correlation function is the result of the division of gaussian correlation function with exponential correlation function. Default is 'exponential'. Returns ------- For more attributes see also pyrism.core.Kernel and pyrism.core.ReflectanceResult. See Also -------- I2EM.Emissivity pyrism.core.Kernel pyrism.core.ReflectanceResult Note ---- The model is constrained to realistic surfaces with (rms height / correlation length) ≤ 0.25. Hot spot direction is vza == iza and raa = 0.0 """ # TODO: Delete unnecessary self. calls. def __init__(self, iza, vza, raa, normalize=True, nbar=0.0, angle_unit='DEG', frequency=None, diel_constant=None, corrlength=None, sigma=None, n=10, corrfunc='exponential'): super(I2EM, self).__init__(iza, vza, raa, normalize, nbar, angle_unit) if corrfunc is 'exponential': self.corrfunc = exponential elif corrfunc is 'gaussian': self.corrfunc = gaussian elif corrfunc is 'xpower': self.corrfunc = xpower elif corrfunc is 'mixed': self.corrfunc = mixed else: raise ValueError("The parameter corrfunc must be 'exponential', 'gaussian' or 'xpower'") = diel_constant self.corrlen = corrlength # in cm self.n = n self.sigma = sigma # in cm self.freq = frequency self.__set_coef() self.__reflection_coefficients() self.__r_transition() self.__average_reflection_coefficients() self.__biStatic_coefficient() self.__Ipp() self.__shadowing_function() self.__sigma_nought() self.__normalize() self.__store() def __normalize(self): self.norm = 0. # if we are normalising the last element of self.Isotropic, self.Ross and self.Li contain # the nadir-nadir kernel if self.normalize == True: # normalize nbar-nadir (so kernel is 0 at nbar-nadir) self.norm = self.VV[-1] # depreciate length of arrays (well, teh ones we'll use again in any case) self.VV = self.VV[0:-1] self.HH = self.HH[0:-1] self.VVdB = self.VVdB[0:-1] self.HHdB = self.HHdB[0:-1] self.vzaDeg = self.vzaDeg[0:-1] self.izaDeg = self.izaDeg[0:-1] self.raaDeg = self.raaDeg[0:-1] self.N = len(self.vzaDeg) self.vza = self.vza[0:-1] self.iza = self.iza[0:-1] self.raa = self.raa[0:-1] def __set_coef(self): self.phi = 0 self.merror = 1.0e8 self.k = 2 * np.pi * self.freq / 30 self.kz_iza = self.k * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) self.kz_vza = self.k * np.cos(self.vza) def __reflection_coefficients(self): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.rt = np.sqrt( - np.sin(self.iza + 0.01) ** 2) self.Rvi = ( * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) - self.rt) / ( * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) + self.rt) self.Rhi = (np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) - self.rt) / (np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) + self.rt) self.wvnb = self.k * np.sqrt( (np.sin(self.vza) * np.cos(self.raa) - np.sin(self.iza + 0.01) * np.cos(self.phi)) ** 2 + ( np.sin(self.vza) * np.sin(self.raa) - np.sin(self.iza + 0.01) * np.sin(self.phi)) ** 2) self.Ts = 1 while self.merror >= 1.0e-3 and self.Ts <= 150: self.Ts += 1 self.error = ((self.k * self.sigma) ** 2 * ( np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) + np.cos(self.vza)) ** 2) ** self.Ts / factorial(self.Ts) self.merror = self.error.mean() self.CorrFunc = self.corrfunc(self.n, self.wvnb, self.sigma, self.corrlen, self.Ts) def __r_transition(self): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.Rv0 = (np.sqrt( - 1) / (np.sqrt( + 1) self.Rh0 = -self.Rv0 self.Ft = 8 * self.Rv0 ** 2 * np.sin(self.vza) * ( np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) + np.sqrt( - np.sin(self.iza + 0.01) ** 2)) / ( np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) * np.sqrt( - np.sin(self.iza + 0.01) ** 2)) self.a1 = 0 self.b1 = 0 for i in srange(self.Ts): i += 1 self.a0 = ((self.k * self.sigma) * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)) ** (2 * i) / factorial(i) self.a1 = self.a1 + self.a0 * self.CorrFunc.Wn[i - 1] self.b1 = self.b1 + self.a0 * (np.abs( self.Ft / 2 + 2 ** (i + 1) * self.Rv0 / np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) * np.exp( - ((self.k * self.sigma) * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)) ** 2))) ** 2 * self.CorrFunc.Wn[i - 1] self.St = 0.25 * (np.abs(self.Ft) ** 2) * self.a1 / self.b1 self.St0 = 1 / (np.abs(1 + 8 * self.Rv0 / (np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) * self.Ft))) ** 2 self.Tf = 1 - self.St / self.St0 def __average_reflection_coefficients(self): # <Help and Info Section> ----------------------------------------- # Calculate the average reflection coefficients. These coefficients # account for slope effects, especially near the brewster angle. They are # not important if the slope is small. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.sigx = 1.1 * self.sigma / self.corrlen self.sigy = self.sigx = 3 * self.sigx def RaV_integration(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") rav = [] for i in srange(len(self.iza)): def integration(Zy, Zx): self.A = np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)[i] + Zx * np.sin(self.iza + 0.01)[i] self.B = * (1 + Zx ** 2 + Zy ** 2) self.CC = np.sin(self.iza + 0.01)[i] ** 2 - 2 * Zx * np.sin(self.iza + 0.01)[i] * \ np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)[i] + Zx ** 2 * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)[i] ** 2 + Zy ** 2 self.Rv = ( * self.A - np.sqrt(self.B - self.CC)) / ( * self.A + np.sqrt(self.B - self.CC)) self.pd = np.exp(-Zx ** 2 / (2 * self.sigx ** 2) - Zy ** 2 / (2 * self.sigy ** 2)) Rav = self.Rv * self.pd return Rav ravv = dblquad(integration,,, lambda x:, lambda x: temp = np.asarray(ravv[0]) / (2 * np.pi * self.sigx * self.sigy) rav.append(temp) self.Rav = np.asarray(rav) return self.Rav def RaH_integration(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") rah = [] for i in srange(len(self.iza)): def integration(Zy, Zx): self.A = np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)[i] + Zx * np.sin(self.iza + 0.01)[i] self.B = * (1 + Zx ** 2 + Zy ** 2) self.CC = np.sin(self.iza + 0.01)[i] ** 2 - 2 * Zx * np.sin(self.iza + 0.01)[i] * \ np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)[i] + Zx ** 2 * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01)[i] ** 2 + Zy ** 2 self.Rh = (self.A - np.sqrt(self.B - self.CC)) / (self.A + np.sqrt(self.B - self.CC)) self.pd = np.exp(-Zx ** 2 / (2 * self.sigx ** 2) - Zy ** 2.0 / (2 * self.sigy ** 2)) RaH = self.Rh * self.pd return RaH rahh = dblquad(integration,,, lambda x:, lambda x: temp = np.asarray(rahh[0]) / (2 * np.pi * self.sigx * self.sigy) rah.append(temp) self.Rah = np.asarray(rah) return self.Rah self.Rav = RaV_integration() self.Rah = RaH_integration() def __biStatic_coefficient(self): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") if np.array_equal(self.vza, self.iza) == True and (np.all(self.raa) == 3.14159265) == True: self.Rvt = self.Rvi + (self.Rv0 - self.Rvi) * self.Tf self.Rht = self.Rhi + (self.Rh0 - self.Rhi) * self.Tf else: self.Rvt = self.Rav self.Rht = self.Rah self.fvv = 2 * self.Rvt * ( np.sin(self.iza + 0.01) * np.sin(self.vza) - (1 + np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) * np.cos(self.vza)) * np.cos( self.raa)) / (np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) + np.cos(self.vza)) self.fhh = -2 * self.Rht * ( np.sin(self.iza + 0.01) * np.sin(self.vza) - (1 + np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) * np.cos(self.vza)) * np.cos( self.raa)) / (np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) + np.cos(self.vza)) def __Fppupdn_calc(self, ud, method, Rvi, Rhi, er, k, kz, ksz, s, cs, ss, css, cf, cfs, sfs): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") if method == 1: Gqi = ud * kz Gqti = ud * k * np.sqrt(er - s ** 2) qi = ud * kz c11 = k * cfs * (ksz - qi) c21 = cs * (cfs * ( k ** 2 * s * cf * (ss * cfs - s * cf) + Gqi * (k * css - qi)) + k ** 2 * cf * s * ss * sfs ** 2) c31 = k * s * (s * cf * cfs * (k * css - qi) - Gqi * (cfs * (ss * cfs - s * cf) + ss * sfs ** 2)) c41 = k * cs * (cfs * css * (k * css - qi) + k * ss * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) c51 = Gqi * (cfs * css * (qi - k * css) - k * ss * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) c12 = k * cfs * (ksz - qi) c22 = cs * (cfs * ( k ** 2 * s * cf * (ss * cfs - s * cf) + Gqti * (k * css - qi)) + k ** 2 * cf * s * ss * sfs ** 2) c32 = k * s * (s * cf * cfs * (k * css - qi) - Gqti * (cfs * (ss * cfs - s * cf) - ss * sfs ** 2)) c42 = k * cs * (cfs * css * (k * css - qi) + k * ss * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) c52 = Gqti * (cfs * css * (qi - k * css) - k * ss * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) if method == 2: Gqs = ud * ksz Gqts = ud * k * np.sqrt(er - ss ** 2) qs = ud * ksz c11 = k * cfs * (kz + qs) c21 = Gqs * (cfs * (cs * (k * cs + qs) - k * s * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) - k * s * ss * sfs ** 2) c31 = k * ss * (k * cs * (ss * cfs - s * cf) + s * (kz + qs)) c41 = k * css * (cfs * (cs * (kz + qs) - k * s * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) - k * s * ss * sfs ** 2) c51 = -css * (k ** 2 * ss * (ss * cfs - s * cf) + Gqs * cfs * (kz + qs)) c12 = k * cfs * (kz + qs) c22 = Gqts * (cfs * (cs * (kz + qs) - k * s * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) - k * s * ss * sfs ** 2) c32 = k * ss * (k * cs * (ss * cfs - s * cf) + s * (kz + qs)) c42 = k * css * (cfs * (cs * (kz + qs) - k * s * (ss * cfs - s * cf)) - k * s * ss * sfs ** 2) c52 = -css * (k ** 2 * ss * (ss * cfs - s * cf) + Gqts * cfs * (kz + qs)) q = kz qt = k * np.sqrt(er - s ** 2) vv = (1 + Rvi) * (-(1 - Rvi) * c11 / q + (1 + Rvi) * c12 / qt) + \ (1 - Rvi) * ((1 - Rvi) * c21 / q - (1 + Rvi) * c22 / qt) + \ (1 + Rvi) * ((1 - Rvi) * c31 / q - (1 + Rvi) * c32 / er / qt) + \ (1 - Rvi) * ((1 + Rvi) * c41 / q - er * (1 - Rvi) * c42 / qt) + \ (1 + Rvi) * ((1 + Rvi) * c51 / q - (1 - Rvi) * c52 / qt) hh = (1 + Rhi) * ((1 - Rhi) * c11 / q - er * (1 + Rhi) * c12 / qt) - \ (1 - Rhi) * ((1 - Rhi) * c21 / q - (1 + Rhi) * c22 / qt) - \ (1 + Rhi) * ((1 - Rhi) * c31 / q - (1 + Rhi) * c32 / qt) - \ (1 - Rhi) * ((1 + Rhi) * c41 / q - (1 - Rhi) * c42 / qt) - \ (1 + Rhi) * ((1 + Rhi) * c51 / q - (1 - Rhi) * c52 / qt) return vv, hh def __Ipp(self): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.Fvvupi, self.Fhhupi = self.__Fppupdn_calc(+1, 1, self.Rvi, self.Rhi,, self.k, self.kz_iza, self.kz_vza, np.sin(self.iza + 0.01), np.cos(self.iza + 0.01), np.sin(self.vza), np.cos(self.vza), np.cos(self.phi), np.cos(self.raa), np.sin(self.raa)) self.Fvvups, self.Fhhups = self.__Fppupdn_calc(+1, 2, self.Rvi, self.Rhi,, self.k, self.kz_iza, self.kz_vza, np.sin(self.iza + 0.01), np.cos(self.iza + 0.01), np.sin(self.vza), np.cos(self.vza), np.cos(self.phi), np.cos(self.raa), np.sin(self.raa)) self.Fvvdni, self.Fhhdni = self.__Fppupdn_calc(-1, 1, self.Rvi, self.Rhi,, self.k, self.kz_iza, self.kz_vza, np.sin(self.iza + 0.01), np.cos(self.iza + 0.01), np.sin(self.vza), np.cos(self.vza), np.cos(self.phi), np.cos(self.raa), np.sin(self.raa)) self.Fvvdns, self.Fhhdns = self.__Fppupdn_calc(-1, 2, self.Rvi, self.Rhi,, self.k, self.kz_iza, self.kz_vza, np.sin(self.iza + 0.01), np.cos(self.iza + 0.01), np.sin(self.vza), np.cos(self.vza), np.cos(self.phi), np.cos(self.raa), np.sin(self.raa)) self.qi = self.k * np.cos(self.iza + 0.01) self.qs = self.k * np.cos(self.vza) ivv = [] ihh = [] for i in srange(self.Ts): i += 1 self.Ivv = (self.kz_iza + self.kz_vza) ** i * self.fvv * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * self.kz_iza * self.kz_vza) + \ 0.25 * (self.Fvvupi * (self.kz_vza - self.qi) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qi ** 2 - self.qi * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza))) + self.Fvvdni * ( self.kz_vza + self.qi) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qi ** 2 + self.qi * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza))) + self.Fvvups * ( self.kz_iza + self.qs) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qs ** 2 - self.qs * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza))) + self.Fvvdns * ( self.kz_iza - self.qs) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qs ** 2 + self.qs * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza)))) self.Ihh = (self.kz_iza + self.kz_vza) ** i * self.fhh * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * self.kz_iza * self.kz_vza) + \ 0.25 * (self.Fhhupi * (self.kz_vza - self.qi) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qi ** 2 - self.qi * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza))) + self.Fhhdni * (self.kz_vza + self.qi) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qi ** 2 + self.qi * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza))) + self.Fhhups * (self.kz_iza + self.qs) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qs ** 2 - self.qs * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza))) + self.Fhhdns * (self.kz_iza - self.qs) ** (i - 1) * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.qs ** 2 + self.qs * (self.kz_vza - self.kz_iza)))) ivv.append(self.Ivv) ihh.append(self.Ihh) self.Ivv = np.asarray(ivv, dtype=np.complex) self.Ihh = np.asarray(ihh, dtype=np.complex) def __shadowing_function(self): import scipy as sp warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") if np.array_equal(self.vza, self.iza) == True and (np.all(self.raa) == 3.14159265) == True: ct = cot(self.iza) cts = cot(self.vza) rslp = self.CorrFunc.rss ctorslp = ct / np.sqrt(2) / rslp ctsorslp = cts / np.sqrt(2) / rslp shadf = 0.5 * (np.exp(-ctorslp ** 2) / np.sqrt(np.pi) / ctorslp - sp.erf(ctorslp)) shadfs = 0.5 * (np.exp(-ctsorslp ** 2) / np.sqrt(np.pi) / ctsorslp - sp.erf(ctsorslp)) self.ShdwS = 1 / (1 + shadf + shadfs) else: self.ShdwS = 1 def __sigma_nought(self): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.sigmavv = 0 self.sigmahh = 0 for i in srange(self.Ts): i += 1 self.a0 = self.CorrFunc.Wn[i - 1] / factorial(i) * self.sigma ** (2 * i) self.sigmavv = self.sigmavv + np.abs(self.Ivv[i - 1]) ** 2 * self.a0 self.sigmahh = self.sigmahh + np.abs(self.Ihh[i - 1]) ** 2 * self.a0 self.VV = self.sigmavv * self.ShdwS * self.k ** 2 / 2 * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.kz_iza ** 2 + self.kz_vza ** 2)) self.HH = self.sigmahh * self.ShdwS * self.k ** 2 / 2 * np.exp( -self.sigma ** 2 * (self.kz_iza ** 2 + self.kz_vza ** 2)) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): self.VVdB = dB(np.asarray(self.VV, dtype=np.float)) self.HHdB = dB(np.asarray(self.HH, dtype=np.float)) def __store(self): self.BSC = ReflectanceResult(array=np.array([[self.VV[0]], [self.HH[0]]]), arraydB=np.array([[dB(self.VV[0])], [dB(self.HH[0])]]), VV=self.VV, HH=self.HH, VVdB=self.VVdB, HHdB=self.HHdB) self.BRDF = ReflectanceResult( array=np.array([[BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.vza)[0]], [BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.vza)[0]]]), arraydB=np.array( [[dB(BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.vza))[0]], [dB(BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.vza))[0]]]), VV=BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.vza), HH=BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.vza), VVdB=dB(BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.vza)), HHdB=dB(BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.vza))) self.BRF = ReflectanceResult(array=np.array([[BRF(self.BRDF.VV)[0]], [BRF(self.BRDF.HH)[0]]]), arraydB=np.array([[dB(BRF(self.BRDF.VV))[0]], [dB(BRF(self.BRDF.HH))[0]]]), VV=BRF(self.BRDF.VV), HH=BRF(self.BRDF.HH), VVdB=dB(BRF(self.BRDF.VV)), HHdB=dB(BRF(self.BRDF.HH)))
[docs] class Emissivity(Kernel): """ This Class calculates the emission from rough surfaces using the I2EM Model. Parameters ---------- iza, vza, raa : int, float or ndarray Incidence (iza) and scattering (vza) zenith angle, as well as relative azimuth (raa) angle. normalize : boolean, optional Set to 'True' to make kernels 0 at nadir view illumination. Since all implemented kernels are normalized the default value is False. nbar : float, optional The sun or incidence zenith angle at which the isotropic term is set to if normalize is True. The default value is 0.0. angle_unit : {'DEG', 'RAD'}, optional * 'DEG': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [DEG] (default). * 'RAD': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [RAD]. frequency : int or float RADAR Frequency (GHz). diel_constant : int or float Complex dielectric constant of soil. corrlength : int or float Correlation length (cm). sigma : int or float RMS Height (cm) corrfunc : {'exponential', 'gaussian', 'mixed'}, optional Correlation distribution functions. The `mixed` correlation function is the result of the division of gaussian correlation function with exponential correlation function. Default is 'exponential'. Returns ------- For attributes see also core.Kernel and core.EmissivityResult. See Also -------- pyrism.core.EmissivityResult """ def __init__(self, iza, vza, raa, normalize=False, nbar=0.0, angle_unit='DEG', frequency=1.26, diel_constant=10 + 1j, corrlength=10, sigma=0.3, corrfunc='exponential'): super(I2EM.Emissivity, self).__init__(iza, vza, raa, normalize, nbar, angle_unit) self.diel_constant = diel_constant self.corrlen = corrlength # in cm self.sigma = sigma # in cm self.freq = frequency self.corrfunc = corrfunc self.__pre_process() self.__calc() self.__store() def __pre_process(self): fr = self.freq / 1e9 self.k = 2 * np.pi * fr / 30 # wavenumber in free space. Speed of light is in cm/sec self.ks = self.k * self.sigma # roughness parameter self.kl = self.k * self.corrlen # -- calculation of reflection coefficients self.sq = np.sqrt(self.diel_constant - np.sin(self.iza) ** 2) self.rv = (self.diel_constant * np.cos(self.iza) - self.sq) / ( self.diel_constant * np.cos(self.iza) + self.sq) self.rh = (np.cos(self.iza) - self.sq) / (np.cos(self.iza) + self.sq) def __calc(self): self.pol = 'vv' refv = dblquad(self.emsv_integralfunc, 0, np.pi / 2, lambda x: 0, lambda x: np.pi) self.pol = 'hh' refh = dblquad(self.emsv_integralfunc, 0, np.pi / 2, lambda x: 0, lambda x: np.pi) self.VV = 1 - refv[0] - np.exp(-self.ks ** 2 * np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.iza)) * ( abs(self.rv)) ** 2 self.HH = 1 - refh[0] - np.exp(-self.ks ** 2 * np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.iza)) * ( abs(self.rh)) ** 2 self.VVdB = dB(self.VV) self.HHdB = dB(self.HH) def __store(self): self.EMN = EmissivityResult(array=np.array( [[(1 - self.VV) / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi)], [(1 - self.HH) / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi)]]), arraydB=np.array( [[dB((1 - self.VV) / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi))], [dB((1 - self.HH) / ( np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi))]]), VV=(1 - self.VV) / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi), HH=(1 - self.HH) / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi), VVdB=dB((1 - self.VV) / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi)), HHdB=dB((1 - self.HH) / (np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(self.vza) * 4 * np.pi))) self.EMS = EmissivityResult(array=np.array([[self.VV], [self.HH]]), arraydB=np.array([[dB(self.VV)], [dB(self.HH)]]), VV=self.VV, HH=self.HH, VVdB=dB(self.VV), HHdB=dB(self.HH)) self.BRDF = EmissivityResult( array=np.array([[BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.vza)[0]], [BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.vza)[0]]]), arraydB=np.array( [[dB(BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.vza))[0]], [dB(BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.vza))[0]]]), VV=BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.iza), HH=BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.iza), VVdB=dB(BRDF(self.VV, self.iza, self.iza)), HHdB=dB(BRDF(self.HH, self.iza, self.iza))) self.BRF = EmissivityResult(array=np.array([[BRF(self.BRDF.VV)[0]], [BRF(self.BRDF.HH)[0]]]), arraydB=np.array( [[dB(BRF(self.BRDF.VV))[0]], [dB(BRF(self.BRDF.HH))[0]]]), VV=BRF(self.BRDF.VV), HH=BRF(self.BRDF.HH), VVdB=dB(BRF(self.BRDF.VV)), HHdB=dB(BRF(self.BRDF.HH))) def __spectrm(self, n_spec, nr, wvnb): wn = np.zeros([n_spec, nr]) if self.corrfunc is 'exponential': # exponential for n in srange(n_spec): wn[n, :] = (n + 1) * self.kl ** 2 / ((n + 1) ** 2 + (wvnb * self.corrlen) ** 2) ** 1.5 elif self.corrfunc is 'gaussian': # gaussian for n in srange(n_spec): wn[n, :] = 0.5 * self.kl ** 2 / (n + 1) * np.exp(-(wvnb * self.corrlen) ** 2 / (4 * (n + 1))) elif self.corrfunc is 'mixed': gauss = np.zeros([n_spec, nr]) exp = np.zeros([n_spec, nr]) for n in srange(n_spec): gauss[n, :] = 0.5 * self.kl ** 2 / (n + 1) * np.exp(-(wvnb * self.corrlen) ** 2 / (4 * (n + 1))) for n in srange(n_spec): exp[n, :] = (n + 1) * self.kl ** 2 / ((n + 1) ** 2 + (wvnb * self.corrlen) ** 2) ** 1.5 wn = gauss / exp else: raise ValueError( "Corrfunc must be 'exponential' or 'gaussian'. The actual value of corrfunc is: {}".format( self.corrfunc)) return wn
[docs] def emsv_integralfunc(self, x, y): error = 1.0e3 sqs = np.sqrt(self.diel_constant - np.sin(x) ** 2) rc = (self.rv - self.rh) / 2 tv = 1 + self.rv th = 1 + self.rh # -- calc coefficients for surface correlation spectra wvnb = self.k * np.sqrt( np.sin(self.iza) ** 2 - 2 * np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(x) * np.cos(y) + np.sin(x) ** 2) try: nr = len(x) except (IndexError, TypeError): nr = 1 # -- calculate number of spectral components needed n_spec = 1 while error > 1.0e-3: n_spec = n_spec + 1 # error = (ks2 *(cs + css)**2 )**n_spec / factorial(n_spec) # ---- in this case we will use the smallest ths to determine the number of # spectral components to use. It might be more than needed for other angles # but this is fine. This option is used to simplify calculations. error = (self.ks ** 2 * (np.cos(self.iza) + np.cos(x)) ** 2) ** n_spec / factorial(n_spec) error = np.min(error) # -- calculate expressions for the surface spectra wn = self.__spectrm(n_spec, nr, wvnb) # -- calculate fpq! ff = 2 * (np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(x) - (1 + np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(x)) * np.cos(y)) / ( np.cos(self.iza) + np.cos(x)) fvv = self.rv * ff fhh = -self.rh * ff fvh = -2 * rc * np.sin(y) fhv = 2 * rc * np.sin(y) # -- calculate Fpq and Fpqs ----- fhv = np.sin(self.iza) * (np.sin(x) - np.sin(self.iza) * np.cos(y)) / (np.cos(self.iza) ** 2 * np.cos(x)) T = (self.sq * (np.cos(self.iza) + self.sq) + np.cos(self.iza) * ( self.diel_constant * np.cos(self.iza) + self.sq)) / ( self.diel_constant * np.cos(self.iza) * (np.cos(self.iza) + self.sq) + self.sq * ( self.diel_constant * np.cos(self.iza) + self.sq)) cm2 = np.cos(x) * self.sq / np.cos(self.iza) / sqs - 1 ex = np.exp(-self.ks ** 2 * np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(x)) de = 0.5 * np.exp(-self.ks ** 2 * (np.cos(self.iza) ** 2 + np.cos(x) ** 2)) if self.pol == 'vv': Fvv = (self.diel_constant - 1) * np.sin(self.iza) ** 2 * tv ** 2 * fhv / self.diel_constant ** 2 Fhv = (T * np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(self.iza) - 1. + np.cos(self.iza) / np.cos(x) + ( self.diel_constant * T * np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(x) * ( self.diel_constant * T - np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(self.iza)) - self.sq * self.sq) / ( T * self.diel_constant * self.sq * np.cos(x))) * (1 - rc * rc) * np.sin(y) Fvvs = -cm2 * self.sq * tv ** 2 * ( np.cos(y) - np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(x)) / np.cos( self.iza) ** 2 / self.diel_constant - cm2 * sqs * tv ** 2 * np.cos(y) / self.diel_constant - ( np.cos(x) * self.sq / np.cos(self.iza) / sqs / self.diel_constant - 1) * np.sin( x) * tv ** 2 * ( np.sin(self.iza) - np.sin(x) * np.cos(y)) / np.cos(self.iza) Fhvs = -(np.sin(x) * np.sin(x) / T - 1 + np.cos(x) / np.cos(self.iza) + ( np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(x) * ( 1 - np.sin(x) * np.sin(x) * T) - T * T * sqs * sqs) / ( T * sqs * np.cos(self.iza))) * (1 - rc * rc) * np.sin(y) # -- calculate the bistatic field coefficients --- svv = np.zeros([n_spec, nr]) for n in srange(n_spec): Ivv = fvv * ex * (self.ks * (np.cos(self.iza) + np.cos(x))) ** (n + 1) + ( Fvv * (self.ks * np.cos(x)) ** (n + 1) + Fvvs * (self.ks * np.cos(self.iza)) ** (n + 1)) / 2 Ihv = fhv * ex * (self.ks * (np.cos(self.iza) + np.cos(x))) ** (n + 1) + ( Fhv * (self.ks * np.cos(x)) ** (n + 1) + Fhvs * (self.ks * np.cos(self.iza)) ** (n + 1)) / 2 wnn = wn[n, :] / factorial(n + 1) vv = wnn * (abs(Ivv)) ** 2 hv = wnn * (abs(Ihv)) ** 2 svv[n, :] = (de * (vv + hv) * np.sin(x) * (1 / np.cos(self.iza))) / (4 * np.pi) ref = np.sum([svv]) # adding all n terms stores in different rows if self.pol == 'hh': Fhh = -(self.diel_constant - 1) * th ** 2 * fhv Fvh = (np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(self.iza) / T - 1. + np.cos(self.iza) / np.cos(x) + ( np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(x) * ( 1 - np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(self.iza) * T) - T * T * self.sq * self.sq) / ( T * self.sq * np.cos(x))) * (1 - rc * rc) * np.sin(y) Fhhs = cm2 * self.sq * th ** 2 * ( np.cos(y) - np.sin(self.iza) * np.sin(x)) / np.cos( self.iza) ** 2 + cm2 * sqs * th ** 2 * np.cos(y) + cm2 * np.sin(x) * th ** 2 * ( np.sin(self.iza) - np.sin(x) * np.cos(y)) / np.cos(self.iza) Fvhs = -(T * np.sin(x) * np.sin(x) - 1 + np.cos(x) / np.cos(self.iza) + ( self.diel_constant * T * np.cos(self.iza) * np.cos(x) * ( self.diel_constant * T - np.sin(x) * np.sin(x)) - sqs * sqs) / ( T * self.diel_constant * sqs * np.cos(self.iza))) * (1 - rc * rc) * np.sin(y) shh = np.zeros([n_spec, nr]) for n in srange(n_spec): Ihh = fhh * ex * (self.ks * (np.cos(self.iza) + np.cos(x))) ** (n + 1) + ( Fhh * (self.ks * np.cos(x)) ** (n + 1) + Fhhs * (self.ks * np.cos(self.iza)) ** (n + 1)) / 2 Ivh = fvh * ex * (self.ks * (np.cos(self.iza) + np.cos(x))) ** (n + 1) + ( Fvh * (self.ks * np.cos(x)) ** (n + 1) + Fvhs * (self.ks * np.cos(self.iza)) ** (n + 1)) / 2 wnn = wn[n, :] / factorial(n + 1) hh = wnn * (abs(Ihh)) ** 2 vh = wnn * (abs(Ivh)) ** 2 (2 * (3 + 4) * np.sin(5) * 1 / np.cos(6)) / (np.pi * 4) shh[n, :] = (de * (hh + vh) * np.sin(x) * (1 / np.cos(self.iza))) / (4 * np.pi) ref = np.sum([shh]) return ref